Concise, highly specific intel “streetcraft” series about practical street smart skills, urban guidelines, concepts and methodologies for covert operatives and civilians in the form of proverbs and quick tips.


    Displaying one’s nationality through overt symbols such as national flags, patches, pins, or openly broadcasting your nationality can compromise an operative’s ability to blend into their surroundings, a fundamental aspect of tradecraft. This practice of nondisclosure serves as a critical security measure, ensuring an operative remains nondescript and does not betray their purpose or origin.

In environments where blending in is crucial to mission success or personal safety, any identifiable marker that separates an operative from the local population can be detrimental. It draws unnecessary attention, making it challenging to observe, gather intelligence, or move without being scrutinized or tracked.

    Moreover, in certain regions, an operative’s nationality can significantly increase their risk profile. Global political climates and local sentiments can vary dramatically, and hostility towards certain nationalities can manifest in both overt and covert aggression. Being identified as a foreign national, especially from a country with current political tensions or historical grievances with the host nation, can make an operative a target for surveillance, harassment, or even violence.

Such risks not only endanger the operative but can also compromise operational objectives, making the concealment of nationality a strategic choice for safety and mission integrity – or merely as a civilian tourist on holiday.


    Adopting a general practice of withholding personal details, including nationality, aligns with the broader tradecraft principle of maintaining a low profile. Operatives are trained to be acutely aware of how much information is disclosed through their appearance, behavior, and interactions.

By minimizing these disclosures, they reduce the likelihood of being profiled and targeted. This approach is not only applicable in the work of international operations but is also a valuable security practice for individuals traveling or working abroad in any capacity.

    It encourages a mindset of cautious engagement, where the operative or individual evaluates the necessity and potential impact of revealing personal information, including their nationality, in every interaction.