A tradecraft guide of utilizing both canine and feline companions (pets) as organic security “systems” just by being aware of their reactions. As proximity alarm notifiers and early warning mechanisms for a defensive and tactical advantage in identifying unusual activities and intrusions you may otherwise not notice or realize too late.


As a covert operative, maintaining personal security and situational awareness is of utmost importance. One often overlooked asset in enhancing security measures is our loyal companions, dogs and cats, to even stray ones that happen to be where we’re operating. The potential of utilizing your pet’s keen senses as a security advantage in detecting potential threats already exists and is ever active, you just have to pay attention.

Both dogs and cats possess heightened senses that enable them to detect subtle changes in their environment. Their superior sense of smell and hearing allow them to notice sounds and odors that humans cannot perceive. This makes them valuable allies in identifying potential intruders and unusual activities much sooner and from further away, allowing us more time and space to optimally identify, evaluate and respond.

Although there’s no limit to how much you can train your pet to serve as an organic security system, for the purposes of this guide, it’s intended for minimal to zero pet training and with no special skills to enact on your part. Instead it’s not much more than just existing with your pet as normal without making any significant changes.

The directive is merely to be deliberately aware of and pay more attention to your dog or cat when they respond / react to an exterior element you yourself can’t immediately ascertain, instead of ignoring their seemingly random actions.

      Behavioral Indicators: Understanding Your Pets’ Reactions

Paying attention to your pets’ reactions can provide valuable insight into potential security threats far quicker than your human senses can pick up. Common behaviors that may indicate a disturbance or intrusion include:

Barking or Growling:   Dogs may bark or growl when they sense an unfamiliar presence.

Alert Posture:   Ears perked, tail raised, and tense body language can indicate heightened awareness of a potential threat.

Tracking:   Dogs may follow a scent or sound, leading them to the source of the disturbance.

Pacing or Whining:   Restlessness or agitation can signal that your dog is aware of something unusual in the environment.

Hissing or Growling:   Cats may hiss or growl when they detect a potential threat or unusual presence.

Alert Posture:   Ears flattened, back arched, and fur standing on end can indicate a heightened sense of awareness.

Stalking or Hiding:   Cats may stealthily approach the source of a disturbance or hide if they feel threatened.

Vocalization:   Unusual or persistent meowing can signal your cat’s awareness of an unusual situation.

      The Tactical Advantage: Harnessing Canine and Feline Alertness

By observing and understanding your pets’ reactions, you can gain a tactical advantage in maintaining security:

Early Warning System:   Pets’ acute senses can detect threats before they become apparent to humans, providing valuable time to respond or call for assistance.

Deterrent:   The presence of a dog or cat can deter potential intruders, as their vocalizations or aggressive behavior may draw attention to the situation.

Enhanced Situational Awareness:   Monitoring your pets’ behavior can help maintain heightened awareness of your surroundings and potential threats.

Nonverbal Communication:   Your pets’ reactions can provide covert operatives with critical information without drawing attention to themselves or arousing suspicion.

      Training Your Pets for Security Purposes

To maximize the effectiveness of your pets as security alert notifiers, consider basic to moderate training:










Incorporating a cat or dog’s keen senses and natural instincts into your security measures can provide a valuable tactical advantage for your home, base or place of work. By understanding and observing your pet’s reactions to exterior activity, you can enhance your situational awareness and protect against potential threats. A well-trained and attentive animal companion can be an invaluable asset in maintaining personal security and safeguarding sensitive operations.