Stoicism is an ancient philosophy aimed at emotionally intelligent thinking and making decisions strategically, to stop caring about things outside our control and live virtuously.


In its most basic form, stoicism is the philosophy that holds that the best way to deal with difficult situations is to remain calm and rational.

The goal is to be in control of one’s emotions and not be swayed by them.

The stoic method of life has been practiced by some of history’s most impressive figures. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius and American President Abraham Lincoln have been known for their stoic demeanor.

Covert operatives are stoic as this is an invaluable characteristic to have in such a profession.

Stoicism is a school of thought that was founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. The Stoics taught that one can be content regardless of what happens because the only things under our control are our thoughts and actions.

A stoic person is someone who can be cool in the face of any adversity. The benefits of being stoic are that you can better manage your emotions and reactions, you will be less likely to be controlled by your passions, leading to better thinking and decision making.

Stoicism was founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. Zeno was born into a wealthy family but he lost all his money in a shipwreck. He then moved to Athens and started teaching others about Stoicism. He also believed in living in harmony with others, using reason instead of emotion, and making reasonable decisions.

The original Stoics were Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca.

The word “stoic” comes from the Greek word for “stone” because Stoics were seen as being unemotional like stone. However, this is not to say that Stoics are unfeeling; rather, they are able to control their emotions and how you respond to them.

This ability gave them a greater sense of inner peace and tranquility, including when going through times where others would be in turmoil and depression.

One of the many benefits of being stoic is that you can master your emotional intelligence. This is because you are aware of your thoughts and feelings but you do not allow them to control you.

When faced with difficulties, most people allow their emotions to take over, clouding their judgment. This can lead to rash decision-making and, ultimately, regret. The stoic philosophy teaches us to take a step back and assess a situation using reason and logic instead of letting our emotions guide us.

When we allow our emotions to dictate our actions, we lose control. The goal of Stoicism is to maintain control over one’s emotions and reactions to difficult situations. This leads to improved self-control overall.

When we allow our emotions to run wild, it can be difficult to think clearly. Maintaining a stoic state of mind allows us to think more clearly and make rational decisions.

One oft-cited benefit of practicing Stoicism is increased positive well-being, happiness and serenity. This is due to the fact that those who are stoic are better able to control their emotions and aren’t as easily impacted by negative circumstances, especially when it’s things beyond their control.

Stoicism enlightens us with a strategic mindset for the advantages of better emotional management, increased inner peace and a more focused outlook.

[OPTICS : Epictetus, Aurelius and Zeno of Citium]