For Special Forces, combat readiness begins before the mission. Preparation for battle is both physical and mental as preparing for physical conflict requires mental readiness.


        Mentally preparing for battle is necessary in order to build confidence in your skillset and maintain focus on your objectives amidst danger or adversity.

If you’re 100 percent physically ready for combat but your mind isn’t, you’re not ready at all.

Having clarity of thoughts and staying prepared even under immense stress is critical for Special Forces to conduct successful operations as well as civilians in their day-to-day lives when the unexpected hits.

Consequently, mentally preparing for battle or any other kinetic conflict should have the same importance as the physical training necessary.

              Mental Preparation Methods For Battle

Physically training, practicing then mastering the skills and strategies needed for the specific battle ahead or whatever potential engagement will prepare you mentally to perform well physically.

Being well-rested can help you to think clearly and perform at your best as well as consuming a balanced meal, as this can help to fuel your body and mind.

Defer emotions and focus on the present moment when that “moment” comes. Let go of any doubts or fears about the future, and instead focus on what you can do right now to perform to the best of your ability.

Use visualization techniques to visualize yourself succeeding in the battle. See yourself using your skills and strategies effectively in emerging victorious.

Use relaxation techniques; practice deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or other relaxation techniques to help you stay calm and focused.

A strong and trained body is only as powerful and useful as the mind that controls it.

[INTEL : Maintaining Composure in Any Situation]
[OPTICS : Special Forces in Okinawa, Japan]